Whiteboarding in interviews

NYC viewpoint from Ellis Island.
NYC viewpoint from Ellis Island.

A long time ago, I was asked to perform a programming function (FizzBuzz) on a whiteboard during an interview with T-SQL. I was able to get the theory behind it, but I am pretty poor at memorizing syntax. I’d rather spend my time studying concepts, theory, and technology. Indexes and cursors are two great examples. I don’t think it really matters if you don’t memorize how to write those by hand, it’s more valuable to understand how they work instead.

Continue reading “Whiteboarding in interviews”

Pass multiple values to case when expression

There may be a time when you want to pass multiple values to a CASE WHEN expression. Here’s an example, take this simple data set below:

([UserID]   INT, 
 [Approval] VARCHAR(10)


FROM [Test];
Our base data set we will use as an example.

Let’s say I wanted to pass a list of UserIDs to a stored procedure that is using a CASE WHEN statement to update our Test table. I want to update the column Approval and I want to set the statuses of <Reject> to <Rejected> and <Approve> to <Approved> when I pass the [UserID] and [Approval] column to the stored procedure. If I pass a UserID and a value not <Approve> or <Reject>, it should be ignored.

Continue reading “Pass multiple values to case when expression”

Identify and resolve “Adding a value to a ‘date’ column caused an overflow”

This is similar to my other post on how to identify conversion problems, but here’s the catch, we don’t always get a “CASE WHEN” statement or “TRY-CONVERT / CAST” function to help us! This makes it a little bit tricky to identify your problem rows, but we’ll tackle that together.

Continue reading “Identify and resolve “Adding a value to a ‘date’ column caused an overflow””

Identify and resolve “Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ‘Something’ to data type int”

If you are seeing an error similar to “Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ‘something’ to data type int.”, I find the easiest method for identifying a solution to the problem is to analyze the data causing the error.

Continue reading “Identify and resolve “Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ‘Something’ to data type int””

Properly reference your columns!

Wait, I should always what?!

If you don’t read the rest of this setup, I want you to take away one thing.

Always reference your tables with your columns when more than one table is involved in the query!

This post is made primarily with SQL Server in mind, but this behavior is actually ANSI SQL and can be replicated in PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle.

Continue reading “Properly reference your columns!”

ELI5 how are join statements semantically structured?

There are some folks just starting out to SQL Server, maybe they come from another flavor of database or perhaps they have no history with SQL at all. The terminology we use to talk about the work we do can get a little confusing, and I was lost when I began learning about schema structures. This is my “Explain it like I’m five – on how join statements are semantically structured.”. This is geared to new users who are in the first 1-6 months of learning SQL Server. Continue reading “ELI5 how are join statements semantically structured?”

How to stop the SQL Scheduler with T-SQL

A user had a unique issue where their system would have dynamically changing job names and schedules, but they need to disable and re-enable them during maintenance. Obviously, this is a huge headache. Continue reading “How to stop the SQL Scheduler with T-SQL”

How to learn and implement Change Tracking in SQL Server

Why would you pick Change Tracking as a technology to use?

This allows you to detect changes in a lightweight manner via T-SQL functions to extract information about DML changes to Change Tracking enabled tables. Change Data Capture is more about auditing or creating a historical view utilizing the Transaction Log and Temporal Tables are the next step up from there which became available in 2016 versions of SQL Server. Change Tracking is primarily used for finding only things that have changed. Not necessarily why, how, or who changed it, but what has changed and what it is now. Continue reading “How to learn and implement Change Tracking in SQL Server”

How do I dynamically populate a dropdown list for users to filter a report in SSRS?

I was helping someone who had an interesting data set. Their tables were coming from a vendor and they had to report off of those tables. The problem was that the tables were all named and logically split by MMYYYY. This meant that if they wanted to query data between a date range, they would need to maintain views daily or get creative in SSRS.

Now this option can be used for many things, you just need to tweak the parameters a little. I’m showing you conceptually how to use the template to execute a dynamic SQL Script that populate a data set from a user selecting drop downs in a report. Continue reading “How do I dynamically populate a dropdown list for users to filter a report in SSRS?”

How to keep track of how many records were truncated?

Someone had an issue where a third party app would truncate a table for maintenance and they had no control over the truncate and when it happened. The issue was that they needed to know how many records were in the table before the truncate occurred. Continue reading “How to keep track of how many records were truncated?”