Hurray! I passed my 70-767 and earned my MCSE!

Passing the 70-767 Implementing a Data Warehouse exam has been a goal of mine for a while now, and I finally achieved that on 11/30/2020! The exam is going to be retired soon (January 31st, 2021), so this was cutting it close. And since the exam is going to be retired in 62 days of starting this post, I’m not going to post in my usual format for passing an exam. If you do have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments. (Note: I do not plan on breaking the Microsoft NDA I signed in the exam, so any content in the comments will adhere to the NDA or will be removed.)

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Studying for the 70-767 to earn the MCSE

I really only planned on writing about the 70-767 in one post rather than two, but I thought this post may help other people while I continually study for my 70-767 exam. Microsoft is retiring the 70-767 and many other exams on January 31 2021. This is significant for several reasons:

  1. The exams were originally set to be retired by June 30 2020
  2. You will not be able to achieve an MCSA or MCSE after the dates
  3. Microsoft is changing how they design the certifications to be role-based involving Azure technology
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